A surprisingly sunny Seattle

A surprisingly sunny Seattle

I celebrated my birthday this year by going to Seattle with my good friend Neil, who also has the same birthday as me, 30 August. Seattle was surprisingly sunny the whole time I was there, apparently a weird occurrence since it is always grey and threatening to rain. I was happy to experience the sunny side of the city as I could take long walks and enjoy the beauty of the city. The pictures were taken over a couple of days as I walked through the city streets. Although I was only able to see a fraction of the city, I think Seattle is a beautiful city. It has hills, mountain views, and a big bay. It is a green city, both in that it is lush with trees and all kinds of greenery, but it is also an environmentally conscious city. It is, of course, coffee heaven. You can’t swing a cat in Seattle without hitting a coffee shop. It feels like there’s one in every block. The coffee is good in the city. I preferred going to the non-famous, non-chain coffee places that had much character. The city is quirky and the people are friendly. It is a liberal city, with a hipster flair of note. I appreciated the architecture in the city of these new environmentally friendly buildings, which you might think they might be dull, but actually are quirky and beautiful. Of course a visit to the fish market was mandatory and that was such a delight. The photographs included here were taken all over downtown. Seattle clearly has a good quality of life, and I am looking forward to a more substantial trip to the city in the future.