Black Panther Screening

Black Panther Screening

Like most black people all over the world, I was very excited for the release of Black Panther the movie. My friend T hosted a party at his house before we attended the screening of the movie. I came back early from a weekend away to be able to catch the party and the movie on Saturday evening. The excitement for the movie had built over months as we all anticipated the movie. On that Saturday, we were all dressed in our Wakanda inspired outfits and we went and had a great time at the screening. I still smile when I think about the movie and the one-liners from the characters. It was an awesome experience, and in a couple of months time, I want to see the movie again. I think it will make a great gift as well once it comes out on DVD. The pictures were taken on the day of the movie at the Waterfront where we watched the movie. Pierre took the pictures. He has amazing skills.