Clifton & Signal Hill/Lions Head

Clifton & Signal Hill/Lions Head

In Cape Town, there are no shortages of sea views, mountain tops, sunset watch spots, and it’s also a treat that you can get all of these at once. Often when a friend or my mother from out of town come to the city, we often go to Clifton and Signal Hill with a bottle of bubbly to just look over the ocean, and have a good conversation. I love this city. It’s beautiful. I love showing the city to people who don’t live here because it gets me to appreciate the city that much more, not to mention to see it with fresh eyes. These pictures were taken this summer (2017) and I really enjoyed the scenery. Although in these pictures I am happy, and I am spending time with my mother, I am also battling trying to finish writing a Ph.D. thesis. These moments were precious because they were a reprieve from my suffering. Anyway, Pierre took most of these pictures. I am wearing patchwork shorts made by Yvette Couture from Cape Town with just a random white T. Easy and breezy like a summer afternoon in Clifton.