Esplanade of Heroes, Monterrey, Mexico

Esplanade of Heroes, Monterrey, Mexico

I was invited to a wedding in Monterrey, Mexico taking place on the 16 June 2018. When I received the invite, I thought this was a great opportunity to see as much of Mexico as possible. Mexico is very far to travel from South Africa, so one has to make the most of the trip. The trip from flight from Mexico City to Monterrey was pleasant. It was an early flight in order for me to get an early start in Monterrey when I arrived there. My friend organised a driver who would pick me up at the airport and take me to the city centre to explore Monterrey. I ended up at the Esplanade of Heroes, Macroplaza, Grand Plaza, Monterrey – Nuevo Leรณn, Palicio Municipal, and the Cathedral Metropolitana De Monterrey. I can’t profess to know Monterrey, but I enjoyed my short visit to the city. It was so radically different from Mexico City.

That is one HUGE flag. It’s unmissable.
Museo del Palacio de Gobierno.
The building and art pieces are so grand in the main plaza of the city.

Entrance to the Museo del Palacio de Gobierno was free. I was suprised by this because I am so used to having to pay to enter museum spaces. I spent a couple of hours at the museum, and luckily some of the writings in the museum was in English. Later I would learn that Monterrey is divided by the mountain by class. The side I was on was predominantly the poor side of the city and over the mountain is whole other Monterrey. I went to see the “other” side of the city, but I was in a car mostly, and it didn’t seen friendly to pedestrians. It was good to see though, and I was happy to see the complexity of the city. Ultimately, my trip was short, and I will have to do another visit to the wonder that is Monterrey in the near future.