Exploring. Creativity. Lightness. Fun.

Exploring. Creativity. Lightness. Fun.

This blog is inspired by a number of things. It is inspired by my love of magazines. In my early twenties I even played around with the idea of being a magazine editor. I mean, my honours thesis was a content analysis of Gay Pages Magazine way back in 2007. My journey has led me to academia professionally, but I still had a yearning for something creative, glossy, and fun. In a way this in my outlet for my “other” non-academic side. This blog is also inspired by a yearning for beauty, to touch it, to feel it, to live in it. I am intrigued by aesthetics and the choices we make regarding what we think is beautiful. It is a desire for beauty for beauty’s sake. What does it mean to take aesthetics seriously? To lead with aesthetics, to embrace beauty, to marvel in it for no other reason than its own sake.

I find the idea or phrase “Afro Bubble Gum Art” conjured up by Kenyan filmmaker Wanuri Kahiu really appealing and gesturing to an African aesthetic of the future. She describes this movement as “fun, fierce and frivolous African art” gesturing towards not taking things too seriously, or rather taking fun and frivolity seriously. It speaks to a different way of being that embraces the quirky in Africa, the weird and eccentric in Africa, the fun and fabulous in Africa. My blog, Dr. Scott, is a contribution towards this Afro Bubble Gum Art movement, and my contribution will have a very queer bend.

Also lined to the idea of Afro Bubble Gum Art, the blog is really my desire for more. I desire more from myself, more from my city, and more from those I interact with on a daily basis. This “more” is to be more creative, to be explorative, to engage with one’s surroundings, to have fun, and generally to live more. For a while now, I have had a desire for a more “creative” outlet. When I first thought about starting this particular blog, I wasn’t sure how exactly I want it to look like, I still don’t know. All I know is that I need a creative outlet and this is it for now.

Like most people, I have lots of interests. These range from art to fashion, from wine to world travel. Although I have shared my academic/social issues interest with the online world, I have been shy about engaging my interests in art, fashion, travelling, decor, magazine culture, beauty, and pop culture. I think the pressure to be “taken seriously” as an intellectual can be crippling at times, as we forgo things that we love to give an impression or appearance that we are smart. This blog is my way of resisting that pressure. It is my way of carving a space for myself that allows for creative insights, and to embrace my love of beautiful things.

With this blog, I intend on engaging with the cultural life in Cape Town. It’s a way of sharing my favourite places in the city. To share with others what I think is interesting about living in Cape Town, and living in South Africa in the 21st century. This is a space where I will express myself. What the blog will eventually turn out to be is to be seen, right now it is an expression of my interests as I navigate life in Cape Town as a young South African. Come on the journey with me.