…. Let Me Upgrade You ….

…. Let Me Upgrade You ….

Beyoncé’s “Upgrade U” was ringing in my head all the way from Oslo to Dubai. That’s because while traveling from Oslo to Dubai on Emirates I was upgraded to Business Class. To say I was excited would be an understatement. I am already on a Frequent Flyer program with Emirates, so this was a treat. It makes such a difference traveling Business versus Economy. Although the service on Emirates flights is good all around, they do take up a few notches in Business Class. I remember seating on that comfortable seat thinking, how do I go back to Economy now. I enjoyed every moment of being in Business because I knew that it was really a lucky draw. Here are a few snaps of the Business Class experience. Of course, while traveling abroad I bought myself a copy of the 2017 Vogue September Issue. It was the perfect companion for a Business Class ticket. It’s the September Issue so it was thick as a bible and packed with fashion so I enjoyed the magazine all the way to Dubai. Les Parisiennes by Anne Sebba was also a perfect read for the flight. One could get used to this Business Class life. I remember feeling very Miranda Priestly on the flight.  It’s crazy how one upgrade can give you delusions of grandeur.