Monte Carlo, Monaco 🇮🇩

Monte Carlo, Monaco 🇮🇩

In a previous piece I wrote about going to Nice, France. I loved it there. Part of the reason I wanted to go to Nice was so that I could go to Monte Carlo in Monaco. So while in Nice, I was able to go to Monte Carlo for a day. There’s no place I have ever been to, or have been since that is like Monte Carlo.

The city of Monaco is densely populated, and it is filled with rich people. It is said that the city is built on 20% reclamation land. So they have been expanding the landmass by taking part of the ocean. I have always been fascinated by the concept of pushing back the ocean to make more living space because Cape Town is also a city with considerable reclamation land.

Monte Carlo is beautiful. It is clean. Yes, this matters. You can basically feel the money as you walk in the streets. The cars in the streets are ridiculously expensive. There are basically only designer stores. I imagine that an H & M couldn’t’ afford rent in Monte Carlo, and even it did, nobody who lives in Monte Carlo is going to shop there.

In Monte Carlo yachts park like cars. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more yachts than people. I remember walking in the city wondering where do the people who work there live? I mean the janitors, the housekeepers; they must all live in suburbs and towns outside of Monte Carlo.

The city felt empty to me though. It felt like nobody lives there. It felt a bit soulless. I suppose with so much money, who needs soul. It didn’t feel lived in, and maybe that is true as most of the people who own property are rich sports stars and business people.

The city is small enough that you can walk most of it all in half a day really. The architecture is impressive because there is the optimum use of space. Architects have to be creative to get the best out of space. It’s really a seaside oasis.

I imagine that the people live there all know each other, the small 1% friendship circle.

The castle, where the Prince of Monaco, and the Princess of Monaco, who is South African from Benoni, lives in, is incredibly accessible. I was surprised just how close you can get to the royal quarters without anyone chasing you away. Of course, there are signs that say that you should be dressed appropriately when visiting the castle, even to just be outside of the castle. The signs say no short pants, no swimwear, you must be covered for visiting the royals.

It will be a while before I go to that part of the world again. It’s not an easily accessible part of the world, both literally and financially. I was glad to be able to experience Monte Carlo. To peak into a world that is so far from my own, and to feel and see, even just for a day how the impossibly rich live their lives.