My Minneapolis wedding outfit

My Minneapolis wedding outfit

I went to university in Minnesota for my masters degree. It sounds like a random or arbitrary place to go to university, but I had gone there before for a Study Abroad program during my undergraduate studies. During my time in Minnesota, I made many friends, and some of them I am still in contact with. This is how I received an invitation to a wedding in Minneapolis. The wedding took place in August 2018 and I was excited to go back to the city since I hadn’t been in a very long time. So, when I was deciding what to wear at the wedding, I knew that I wanted a suite, but wasn’t sure what kind. I settled on a print suit. I love print. Although “African” print has its roots in the Netherlands, it has become distinctly African. The decision to wear print was made when I visited the print material shop on the corner of Station Road and Lower Main Road in Observatory. The shop has an amazing array of print material sourced mainly from Ghana and Nigeria. I decided to buy a whole 6-yards of fabric to create the site I wanted for the wedding. I then took the fabric to Sheyi Tailor, who is a Nigerian born tailor, and he made me the most beautiful suite. The fabric is turquoise with small black polka dots and has big yellow flowers over it. It’s a stunning print fabric. The photographs below are from the wedding venue in Minneapolis, and as you can see I look and feel like a million euros in that suite.