Oslo, Norway – Part 1

Oslo, Norway – Part 1

Oslo is probably the furthest North I have ever been. It was in September when I went, so it was cold but not as cold as it could get in winter there. I have to say I am not interested in experiencing the kind of winter you get in places like Norway. I was in Oslo visiting friends and their cute son, friends who used to live in Cape Town. Although they do not live in Oslo, they live in a town just outside of Oslo. So I took the train to Olso almost every day while I was staying with my friends. Olso is not a big metropolitan area. It is a small city. You can almost do all your touristy adventures in one day. There was something nice about the smallness of the city. I felt like I could never get lost. In the first two days I just wandered around the city taking pictures and watching people. The pictures posted here were random pictures mostly from around the waterfront in Oslo. The whole time I was in Oslo, it was grey and moody. There were spells of sunshine, but it didn’t last very long. I got a sense of how it must be to live there, and it must be radically different from Cape Town. It was lovely to visit this city.