Random Cape Town Photographs

Random Cape Town Photographs

Like many Millenials, I am obsessed with my phone. I am on my iPhone more than I should be. One of the things I love do to with my iPhone is take pictures. The iPhone takes amazing pictures. In fact, many of the pictures on this blog are taken with an iPhone. It is so convenient being able to take good quality pictures with the iPhone because it means that you don’t have to carry a big camera to be able to capture a beautiful moment. Also, sometimes you don’t plan to take pictures, but a picture taking moment presents itself, so it’s awesome to be able to take a good picture. It also gives you the power to be able to take the kind of pictures you like, and those could include pictures of yourself. I once joked that with an iPhone, and the editing technology that comes with it, you can be the camera person, the model, the set designer, and the publisher of magazine-like pictures. It completely gives you the freedom to do what you want. Here are some random pictures I took all over Cape Town over the 2017/2018 Spring/Summer period.