Shades of blue

Shades of blue

I found this jersey at a store in Uptown Minneapolis. It was in the sale rack. I was visiting Minneapolis, and was out for brunch with my friend Kimberly when we decided to pop in the little shop. I fell in love with this jersey and it was on sale, so didn’t feel bad about buying it. I love the horizontal stripes. Sometimes pairing it can be tricky, but with the tiny swimwear from Addicted, it works perfectly. The pearl bag was a last minute touch, just to give the beach look a round finish. That pearl bag was a gift from a friend a couple of years ago. Of course, the idea of wearing a sweater to the beach seems counterintuitive, but that’s exactly what makes this shoot so fabulous. No “florals in spring here”, darling. 😉 Enjoy these fantastic shots.