On a sunny Sunday in January, there was this “Purple” themed party called Pantone Sunday. The Pantone Sunday Instagram page describe the parties as “monthly colour themed fashion party pop up in Johannesburg and Cape Town.” This was my first Pantone Sunday party and it was super fun. The colour Purple was a bit of challenge in that men’s clothes do not really contain the colour purple that much. It’s a very specific colour. It’s great that we don’t respect gender binaries when it comes to fashion, come to think of it, we don’t respect gender binaries period. While pondering what to wear, I remembered that I have a purple TuTu that I wore to Amsterdam Pride at some point. I also found a Kenyan fabric that I was gifted by a family member. I borrowed the boyfriend’s t-shirt and made it a crop-top. I then needed accessories, and the multicoloured-but-purple-based turban, that I had made by Yvette Couture a couple of years ago was perfect. I then needed some beadwork, and the new piece made by Lentino Adorn was just the perfect. The earrings, of course, are from the amazing Ntozinhle Accessories – I call them the “sdumo earrings.” The red boots from That Shoe Lady are one of my prized possessions. They are high, and require a some skill to walk with. They make me feel amazing. So in the end, everything I wore was from my closet. I was really proud of that fact. Here are some snaps from the Pantone Sunday January 2020. A fantastically purple way to begin the year. Enjoy and let me know what you think.