Tulbagh Adventures – Part 2

Tulbagh Adventures – Part 2

This is a continuation from the previous post about my adventures in Tulbagh. The pictures in this post were taken the same day as the pictures in the previous post, what was different, obviously, was the location. These pictures were take in the Hex River Valley, which we drove to from Tulbagh. Last December, 2017, while traveling back to Cape Town from December holiday, we passed through the Hex River Valley and I wanted to experience it on foot because I thought it was beautiful. The grape farms look so pristine from afar while driving in a car. So I wanted to see them up close. It’s true, things are different when you see them up close. While the farms look good from a distance, when you come closer all the grapevines are surrounded by barbed wire, and all of sudden what looks beautiful afar, doesn’t look good up close. The images you see were very difficult to capture because while the valley looks beautiful, it is difficult to capture in an image. With some creative ideas we were able to capture some of the beauty of the valley, of course, with me in it.