I love a good party. The only thing I love more than going to a good party, is throwing a fabulous soirée. So, last year, I threw a fantastic party (even if I do say so myself) at the apartment celebrating three events. Firstly, it was my birthday. Secondly, I had finally finished my PhD studies. Lastly, I was on my way to do a short study abroad program in Toronto. The PhD had been a challenging process for me. In fact, I’m still recovering. It felt right to celebrate the ending of that process with the people I love, who were supportive as I went through the ups and downs of thesis writing.
This was the biggest party I had ever organised at the apartment. It involved a lot planning and preparation, well ahead of time. I enjoyed the process; it was not that stressful. It helps that I am a “list” person, so every detail is listed and checked two, three times. Often, the most stressful thing about planning a party in Cape Town is the fickleness of Capetonians with RSVP requests. 😏😏
Besides the great food, the bubbly, and the awesome guests, the greatest addition to the party was a dedicated photographer. Often, with a house party, you don’t think a photographer is necessary because everybody has a phone and can tag people afterwards. But a photographer is a must because then you don’t have to worry about documenting the night, there is someone dedicated to the task. Also, it is useful to get a professional. Someone who knows what they are doing so you don’t end up with blurry images. The photographer for the event was Frank who can be found at Mukendi Photo Studio on Facebook and @mukendistudio on Instagram.
A great party starts with a fantastic invitation. People underestimate the power of a good invitation. What is awesome about the internet today is that you can find templates for invitations online, and if you are really tech savvy you can use all kinds of programs that you can download to create fantastic invitations. My invitations were created by a fantastic graphic designer, Aimee Lottering, who can be reached at – aimeelottering@gmail.com. She is attentive and a professional.
To say I love print fabric would be to grossly understate things. For the ensemble, I decided on a two piece print that was made by the great Sheyi Taylor (074 706 1561) to make for me. His craftsmanship is impeccable. I found the fabric to make the two piece at Black Chillie Style in Observatory. They have a great variety of print fabrics to choose from. I fell in love with the fabric and bought it without even knowing what I would do with it. The end result was this awesome two piece outfit.
The photographs shared here are organised in the progression of the party, from the beginning to the end. People were scheduled to arrive around sunset to enjoy sundowner’s. The party started after the first guests arrived, naturally. Bubbly, hugs, conversation, and just love all around. While putting this post together I couldn’t help but smile at all the wonderful people I call friends in this city.
We live fast paced lives, and it can seem indulgent to celebrate birthdays or any other occasion for that matter, but we should really take time to pause and be grateful for the little things in life. like living another year. In the time of Coronavirus, as we live in a lockdown, hopefully we take the time to appreciate what really matters in our lives. To make each day, each moment, count. To understand that we are only here for a limited amount of time, and a glass of bubbly with a neighbour, a friend, or a loved one is not only nice, but necessary for our survival.
I hope you enjoy looking at these as much as I enjoyed putting them together.
p.s. The viewing pleasure is enhanced by Junior Jack’s “Luv 2 u” and a cup of tea. 😌 Enjoy.